our Firm

Not your typical law firm

This may be your first divorce but it isn't ours

Did you know that most divorce attorney’s require an advanced deposit of $5,000-$15,000! After they receive your deposit they will charge you hundreds of dollars an hour to complete your divorce. This antiquated model of legal representation does not reflect the modern approach to divorce.

Louisiana Divorce Law Firm was built with one singular focus: serve people seeking an amicable and affordable approach to their divorce. We can charge thousands less in legal fees because we only take cases where both parties are in agreement to the divorce. Also, since we approach the case cooperatively with spouses, we can complete the divorce in a fraction of the time it takes to complete a contested case. Most importantly, we only handle uncontested divorces so this allows us our standard operating procedures to be highly efficient and expedient.

Separation is hard enough, the legal process should not be. When you sign up as a client with the Louisiana Divorce Law Firm we send you a “Steps of your Case” tracker, so you can easily follow your case from beginning to end. Also, Our Firm prides itself on client communication. When there is an update in your case we reach out to you to let you know the status.

Give us a call today to discuss your case and let us help you take the next step in your life.

Meet Daniel

Daniel Shanks is a former trial attorney who has tried countless judge and jury trials. Since that time, he has helped hundreds of Louisianans obtain fast and affordable divorces. Daniel has devoted a significant portion of his career to changing how Louisianans approach divorce. By providing flat-fee legal services, he has disrupted the traditional divorce model of high fees and contentious litigation. Call today to speak with Daniel about your next steps.

New Orleans Divorce Lawyer - Uncontested Divorce. No-Court Divorce. Quick Divorce. Simple Divorce. Fast Divorce.


Daniel Yaniv, Esq.
Managing Partner


Julie Weinstein, Esq.
Senior Associate


Rachel Benner
Senior Paralegal


Brittany Patterson
Junior Paralegal


Dayna Peters
Junior Paralegal